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One rainy night during the Great Flood, Noah was suddenly interrupted from his Whisky and his Knicks game by a loud banging on his door. He opens the door and the mule pushes his head in the room. "What's the matter?", asks Noah, startled. "Hey man, Noah", says the mule. "You should see the bloody orgy going on down there! The tiger is screwing the monkey, the dog is screwing the alligator, the hippo is screwing the panda, ... Man it's a Fucking orgy!" "Oh shit!" says Noah, "God's gonna be pissed". He grabs his robe and shoes. "Anyway", says the mule, " I just thought I'd tell you. I'll see you down there". The mule turns to leave and Noah notices something green on his huge erection. "Hey", yells Noah, "what are you doing with that green condom?"

"Oh", replies the mule, "I got the snake!!!"

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